Back to Visual Testing Handbook
  • Introduction
  • Component explorers
  • Workflow
  • Visual TDD
  • Automate
  • Conclusion


A test-driven workflow for building components

Developing user interfaces has always been ill-defined. The subjective nature of UI leads to ad-hoc development workflows and buggy UIs. This chapter shares how professional teams build UI in a rigorous, visual test-driven fashion.

Test-driven development

Before we begin, let's recap test-driven development (TDD), a popular engineering practice. The core idea behind TDD is that you write your tests before developing the functionality under test.

  1. Construct a set of automated unit tests for your code
  2. Write the code itself to “turn the tests green”

TDD allows you to think clearly about what your code needs to do in terms of concrete inputs (for components, we refer to these as “states”). That way, you can cover all use cases of your module.

Let's look at an example. Assume we have a relativize function that converts a raw date object to the relative date format of the form "2 weeks ago". It's pretty straightforward to outline all the various types of input you want to cover. And then, just hit the "test" button each time you think you've made progress toward a solution.

Your test framework allows you to run the relativize function in isolation without needing to provide input for your entire application just to test that one part.

However, TDD falls down when developing UIs because it's hard to define tests ahead of time, modules are hard to isolate, and the outputs are subjective. These shortcomings are solved by visual testing components in isolation.

Visual testing

The tricky part of UI testing is that it’s not possible to verify the relevant visual details with code alone. Visual testing bypasses this by involving a human’s judgment in a quick and focused way.

Visual testing workflow

In practice, visual testing uses Storybook to “visually” test a component across a set of defined test states. Visual tests share the same setup, execute, and teardown steps as any other type of testing, but the verification step falls to the user.

test do
  execute 👈 Storybook renders stories
  verify 👈 you look at stories

And subsequently, any regressions are caught by automatically capturing and comparing image snapshots.

test do
  execute 👈 Storybook renders stories
  verify 👈 capture image snapshots and compare them to baselines

The same test case is used in both scenarios, only the method of verification changes.

How to write visual test cases

Let's focus on that first scenario for now. In Storybook, a test is as simple as rendering a React element. To write a visual test case, a "story" in Storybook parlance, we outline the states of the component we're interested in. The code sample below shows how you'd write visual tests for InboxTask, SnoozedTask, and PinnedTask.

import Task from './Task';

export default {
  component: Task,
  title: 'Task',

export const InboxTask = {
  args: {
    task: {
      id: '1',
      title: 'Test Task',
      state: 'TASK_INBOX',
      updatedAt: new Date(2023, 0, 1, 9, 0),
      boardName: 'On Test Board',

export const SnoozedTask = {
  args: {
    task: {
      // Shaping the stories through args composition.
      state: 'TASK_SNOOZED',

export const PinnedTask = {
  args: {
    task: {
      // Shaping the stories through args composition.
      state: 'TASK_PINNED',

In Storybook, the Task and its variations would appear in the sidebar. This corresponds to the “execute” phase of a test cycle; the “verify” phase we do by eye in Storybook.

For testing UI, human verification is a pragmatic approach because it's robust to code changes in the component that don’t affect the visual appearance. Additionally, because we only need to write our inputs ahead of time and visually check the output, we’re automatically building UIs in a TDD style.

Learn visual test-driven development

If you are building an app from a well-thought-out design, the chances are that there are a set of well-specified components with inputs and outputs embedded in the design artifact. Pair this “design spec” with the visual testing process, and you can run an exact analogy to TDD.

In the next chapter, we'll apply what we learned so far by coding an example component using Visual TDD.

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Next Chapter
Visual TDD
Write your first visual tests
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